Foreign Investors' interest to the Bulgarian Investment Immigration Program boosted 

Bulgarian authorities registered boom of foreigners who are investing in Bulgaria under the regulations of the Bulgarian Investment Immigration Program. 
Yahangir Hassan Malik is one of the many foreigners who has applied for Bulgarian citizenship in regards to their investments in the Republic of Bulgaria.
“I came to Bulgaria for the first time 7 years ago. I have invested here. I have been purchasing real estate properties” – explains Malik. His investments in Bulgaria exceed 1 000 000 BGN, as part of them are in the banking sector. “I travel a lot, I have been everywhere around the world – Germany, France. When I am in London or New York, I am always in a hurry, always under pressure. And here it is quiet and this is why I like it” – shares the business men.

Source: bTV news, 18.09.2016
