Business forum in Riyadh 19-22 March

The forum is preceded by the introduction of the newly appointed Ambassador of Republic in Bulgaria in Riyadh Dimitar Abadzhiev who presented his credentials to the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Ibrahim Al-Asaf on 9th of March this year.
VISA FREE EUROPE is part of the official Government group which includes representatives of the different state authorities and Bulgarian business. During the visit in Riyadh the Bulgarian Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov, will hold a business forum with bilateral meetings between representatives of the business circles of Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia. The business forum aims to foster direct contacts between b
usinesses on both sides in creating favorable conditions for the development of bilateral trade and economic relations and investments, production co-operation, the introduction of good manufacturing and commercial practices, the establishment of business partnerships, the transfer of knowledge and technology.
Тhe event is a further step in the development of relations between the two countries since the appointment of Bulgarian Ambassador in Riyadh. Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria is expected to be open officially within few months.
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